How do I get to…
We want to help you find the best views of the Raystown Lake Region. And there are many. Whether you are biking, hiking, kayaking or motor touring; the staff of the Raystown Lake Region Visitor Center is ready to help to guide you: (888) 729-7869 toll free during business hours.
Some of the most requested driving directions are for Ridenour/Hawns Overlooks, the Thousand Steps Trail and Trough Creek State Park. Our starting point for each drive is going to be the Raystown Lake Visitor Center at 6993 Seven Points Road, Hesston, Pennsylvania. One of the best views of Raystown Lake is from our deck at the visitor center. You might choose to visit the public beach at the Seven Points Recreation Area or take a stroll on the Greenside Pathway to see more of the shore views. But then... get in your car and buckle up; let’s get you to some other views in Huntingdon County...

Ridenour/Hawns Overlooks/Dam Scenic drive
From 6993 Seven Points Road, Hesston
Follow Seven Points Road to:
Turn right onto PA-26 N/Raystown Road
Turn right to merge onto US-22 E
Right onto River Road/T430
Right onto Henderson Hollow Road
At stop sign, turn left into Ridenour Overlook / Hawns Overlook area
Continue to 40.431365, -78.017179
Enjoy! And continue on:
Henderson Overlook Rd to right onto
Stone Bridge Hollow Road
Turn right onto U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Road (Dam)
Continue to 40.430893, -78.007296
Enjoy! And continue on:
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Road (off Dam)
Continue straight onto River Rd/T430
SCENIC DRIVE: the Juniata River Raystown branch will be on your right for a scenic drive route as you drive back to Route 22
Follow River Rd/T430 to Route 22
(40.476729, -78.007555)
Approximately 60 minutes drive time
Thousand Steps section of the Standing Stone Trail
From 6993 Seven Points Road, Hesston
Follow Seven Points Road to:
Turn right onto PA-26 S/Raystown Road
Turn right to merge onto US-22 E
Pass Swigart Auto Museum and Tops Diner
Destination will be on the left
Watch for chain link fence and dirt parking area on left side of US-22
Thousand Steps Trailhead is on the right side of the parking area
40.391468, -77.913443
Approximately 30 minutes drive time
Trough Creek State Park
From 6993 Seven Points Road, Hesston
Follow Seven Points Road to:
Turn left onto PA-26 S/Raystown Road
Turn left to PA-994 E
Turn left to Little Valley Road
/Trough Creek Drive
End Trough Creek State Park
16362 Little Valley Road
(Trough Creek Drive)
James Creek, PA / 40.311813, -78.129851
Approximately 30 minutes drive time