Localism is BOOMING! We're seeing it right before our eyes here in the Raystown Lake Region as visitors and residents alike are being very intentional about where they spend their money.

"Localism is a consumer preference for brands and businesses located geographically nearby that engage the specific needs and behaviors of local communities and tap into location-specific culture. Buying locally also correlates with buying ethically. The shift toward localism was driven by a rise in conscious consumerism, as people sought to make ethical purchasing choices, desiring authentic, locally and sustainably made products that supported local businesses. Throughout 2021, even as many parts of the world began to open up, localism has not declined. Instead, we’re witnessing a renewed commitment to local communities."
- Susie Walker, VP of Awards & Insight at Cannes Lions, International Festival of Creativity

There have been an explosion of new businesses throughout Huntingdon County that has everyone excited! The holidays are here and we have a pl Scour the list below for some ideas of how you can gift a Raystown Lake Region experience.